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Grampari's COVID-19 Response

Covid relief

Grampari has been working in the villages of Jaoli, Mahabaleshwar and Wai blocks for over 10 years now. The unprecedented times of Covid-19 demanded a very different response to the needs of villagers than what Grampari has been doing so far. Our Covid relief response, as briefed below, was based on our assessment of the ongroud needs, feedback from villagers and local administration.  

The Covid situation is continuously evolving. If you wish to support this, please refer to our Appeal for Funds to know how your contribution will make a difference.  

Grocery kits distribution

Covid-19 lockdown hit the daily wage earners in villages very hard. Many laborers from other districts/States were stranded at their work sites. Fishermen were hit with markets shut. A few weeks into the lockdown and many of these families were struggling to meet the ends.

In normal times Grampari refrains from engaging in free distribution of anything. But sensing the hardships faced by many families in the unprecedented times of lockdown, Grampari distributed grocery kits to the needy families in Jaoli, Mahabaleshwar and Wai taluka. These kits had food grains sufficient for a family of 4, breakfast cereals, soap-detergent etc for cleanliness. More than 1254 families were provided with such kits in the lockdown period.


Counselling helpline

During the second wave of Covid-19, Jaoli taluka saw Covid-19 cases spreading across villages, as was witnessed across India. The government protocol had recommended home isolation and house based treatment for asymptomatic Covid-19 patients with ASHA workers and Anganvadi sevika leading the efforts in villages.

But staying in isolation for two weeks has not been easy for many. Their reasons ranged from constraints due to small houses, fears arising out of flood of misinformation around Covid treatment and hospitalization to need of psychological support in staying alone in isolation.

To address this, Grampari decided to start a tele-counselling helpline. Grampari’s team specially trained for this, with the help of local administration, called upon the home isolated patients and tried to support them by providing mental support, addressed their general doubts regarding Covid symptoms and treatment etc. as per medical guidance of experts and alerted local administration whenever patients needed some support.

Till date Grampari has been able to reach out to 1500+ affected individuals in Jaoli taluka through this helpline.

Mask making

Good quality masks are thought to be a very good tool to prevent spread of Covid-19.  With the help of SHG women in villages and our donors, we are sewing good quality cloth face masks suitable for kids as well as adults. We are making 5000 such masks which will be made available to villagers at affordable prices. This also will provide some earning opportunities for the women.

Grampari also plans to distribute some of these masks for free to the frontline workers like police, transporters, ASHA workers etc so that they can give them to those not wearing masks in public places, and request everyone to keep wearing them and restrict the spread of Covid-19 .

WhatsApp Image 2021-06-14 at 2.42.23 PM.
WhatsApp Image 2021-06-14 at 2.43.11 PM.

Equipping Health care infrastructure

With the sudden rise in Covid-19 cases health care facilities in rural hospitals were severely stressed. Grampari supported a rural Covid care centre in Jaoli with beds etc. A local hospital was assisted in providing healthy meals for the patients admitted for Covid-19 treatment.

Rewarding asha and anganwadi sevika

ASHA workers play a crucial role in taking health care services from rural hospitals to the homes in villages. During our interaction with villagers we found that a strong network of motivated ASHA tai and Anganwadi sevika across Jaoli block played an important role in awareness-testing-treatment of Covid-19 cases in villages.

To recognize and appreciate these efforts Grampari organised 1-day programs for ASHA and Anganvadi sevika. This day out of their routines was planned such that at the end of these programs all of them went home relaxed and with more energy.

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